
Saturday 28 January 2012



by Vikki Nelson

Alright, you have gotten over the approximate three years of starvation, trimming, cutting, borrowing, financing and have survived to actually feel some success in your “new” business. Now you are faced with some big decisions so that you can go to a bigger, larger business program, building, and locations. Any of these will make you take time to consider how you are going to grow and how you are going to get there. Here are a few tips. They cost money, but it might cost you your “new” business if you don’t do something:

You need:

Financial services - As your business grows, you might find it beneficial using a bookkeeping service to maintain your records. This can save you a lot of time and aggravation. Such services usually allow you the choice of bringing records to their location or having their employees come to your office. These services can help you with invoicing clients, paying bills, paying employee salaries, product inventories, or helping with tax preparation. If you’re not at the point of hiring a full time bookkeeper, such a service could certainly prove to be valuable.

Accountants - For your larger financial needs, use an accredited accountant. These needs may include preparation of business plans, drawing up of loans, establishing employee-compensation plans, final preparation of taxes, and general business advice, among many other things they can provide for you and your business.

Print shops - A good all-around print shop can help you quickly and inexpensively to prepare advertising materials. I will point out, you can do a lot of this on your own computer, but do you have the time now that you are growing and do you have a full time employee that can fill this post? Print shops can often produce your business cards, brochures, flyers, letterhead and even complex graphic pieces quicker than you can. Remember - you still need to get the paper products and pay an employee if you go the route of the “do it yourselfer.” Some shops even provide mailings for your flyers as well as purchasing exactly the right mailing list for you.

Temporary personnel services - Maybe this is the way for you to go in the beginning. These services can help you in a crunch time. Maybe you are a seasonal business. Use them then and, when it’s over, off they go, back to their “regular” employer. No worries about “letting them go” or benefits packages. There is a lot to be said for those kinds of personnel services. And they offer almost every kind of personnel business need, including receptionists, clerks, general office help, management - even construction workers and maintenance help. When a new temp worker comes into your office, take the time needed to train them - and let them know exactly what you expect from them. Remember - they may become a permanent part of your staff, so welcome them as you would any new employee.

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