
Saturday 28 January 2012

New online resource helps break down blood sugar control for people with diabetes

New online resource helps break down blood sugar control for people with diabetes

New online resource helps break down blood sugar control for people with diabetes

(NAPS)-A new online educational resource, www.BloodSugar, has just launched to help people living with diabetes, their families and loved ones learn about the importance of understanding and managing low and high blood sugar. The website, developed by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) and the American College of Endocrinology (ACE) and supported by Merck, breaks down information on blood sugar into easy-to-understand interactive features, downloadable resources and helpful tips on how to control blood sugar levels.
People with diabetes and their family members can get started by taking the interactive Blood Sugar Knowledge Quiz to test their blood sugar IQ. Do you know the answer to the question below? Visit the website to take the quiz and find out!
The website offers information about the causes, symptoms and risks of low and high blood sugar, as well as easy-to-download and-print resources like the Low and High Blood Sugar Checklists to help people understand, recognize and get through episodes of low or high blood sugar.
"While most people with type 2 diabetes recognize the importance of avoiding high blood sugar, they may not know the risks of extremely low blood sugar," says Farhad Zangeneh, M.D., FACP, FACE, medical director and endocrinology consultant at the Endocrine, Diabetes and Osteoporosis Clinic (EDOC) and member, AACE Board of Directors.
Low blood sugar can make people feel dizzy, sweaty, hungry or tired and, if it's not treated, may even cause loss of consciousness, while high blood sugar can cause frequent urination, increased thirst, fatigue or blurred vision. People with diabetes should discuss ways to best manage blood sugar with their doctor. To help begin this discussion, they can keep track of blood sugar levels with the AACE Diabetes Passport, and bring the Fast Five Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Blood Sugar to their next appointment.
"Skipping meals, drinking too much alcohol and changing exercise routines can all contribute to low blood sugar; patients may also need to adjust their medications and should talk with their doctor about any episodes of low blood sugar," added Dr. Zangeneh.
If you or a loved one have type 2 diabetes, visit www.BloodSugar to get started and learn how to control blood sugar levels to help manage diabetes successfully.
True or False?
In addition to insulin, some oral diabetes medications can cause low blood sugar, but there are diabetes treatment options that are associated with less low blood sugar.

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