
Saturday 28 January 2012

New treatments offer rapid release from pain

New treatments offer rapid release from pain

New treatments offer rapid release from pain

(NAPSI)-If you've ever awakened in the night with excruciating spasms in your calf muscles, chances are you were experiencing a muscle spasm.
Millions of adults suffer from muscle spasms each year. For some, those spasms can be a chronic occurrence affecting their ability to sleep, exercise and just maintain a daily level of comfort.
Muscle spasms can occur in any muscle in the body. When a muscle is in spasm, it contracts uncontrollably and doesn't relax. The pain can be severe. Muscles that frequently spasm or cramp can form knots or microtears that worsen over time, causing the cycle to repeat with increasing frequency.
To prevent muscle spasms, experts recommend staying hydrated and maintaining a diet with the proper balance of electrolytes including magnesium, calcium and potassium. Always stretch before and after exercising and don't overtax your muscles during a workout. When starting a regular exercise program, don't attempt to do too much, too soon. Be aware that temperature extremes-very hot or cold weather-can increase the risk of cramping.
Olympic speed skater Ryan Bedford is a longtime sufferer of muscle spasms. "I get them in the evening after I've been training." Athletes are more prone to muscle contractions caused by dehydration, muscle overuse, mineral deficiencies or electrolyte imbalances.
Other root causes of muscle spasms include certain diseases and medications. Conditions such as kidney disease, dialysis or diabetes, and certain cancer drugs, cause spasms. Spasms can also be brought on by statin medications, which control cholesterol levels and are taken by some 26 million Americans annually. People on diuretics, those with low potassium levels and people with peripheral artery disease are also susceptible to cramping.
Fortunately, there have been advances in treatments for such cramps. One remedy is a new rapid treatment made with the FDA-approved ingredients magnesium and copper. It relieves muscle spasms in under a minute and lasts for up to eight hours. Called Cramp911, it gets drawn deep into the muscle where it can help eliminate post-cramp pain.
Muscle cramps and spasms related to certain chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia, restless leg syndrome or even multiple sclerosis, may also benefit from rapid relief.
For more information, ask your pharmacist, visit the analgesic section of the pharmacy or grocery, go to or call (800) 696-1490.

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